I guess I need a few test strips for when I get one like this.
Could be from the heat just faded it out. One of the parents of the Sidney J is a splash petal. It looks too much like cymbidium mosaic virus. It has a new growth and I let it bloom that one out and if it does this again.
Get some test strips. The color break does look suspicious. But thrips can cause flower damage like that too. Whether it does that on another bloom might clinch it, or not.
id watch it but it looks like outside stuff to me. heat, drop in water during the flower's development, thrips (assholes), even physical damage like a pinch on the sheath.
maybe? not 100% classic for virus I think. but then again, out of my dozen positive virus tests this year, not a single one of the plants showed any symptoms. ok maybe one, mostly a lack of vigor.
got some test strips but they cost more than the plant did... The more I look at it and Ive looked at it a lot, I think it just be a case of splash petal gone wrong