A word of caution though if you are going to go the route of drowning the entire plant in soap water. There is a chance of crown or stem rot particularly with phals. Scale is a serious pest and does need very agressive treatment as estación suggested. I have personally had to treat my entire orchid collection drowning them in soap water but I lost couple.of very healthy phals due to stem/crown rot. I did everything I could to let the water drain from the leaf joins. After removing them from soap water solution. I hung the orchid upside down hanging on a rope for few hours.to make sure water drains out and also kept a fan running to dry the plant nicely. But inspite of everything I lost some phals and I was able to save 2 phals with timely intervention, both of them are luckily growing basal keikis. So just pay close attention for any kind of stem rot after this treatment because the earlier.you are able.to detect there are greater chances of saving the plant. All my oncidiums did just fine but I think phals are.more prone to stem rot. Good luck with the treatment. Scale.is extremely annoying pest, very hard to get rid of so you might have to repeat treatment weekly for couple of weeks. You can try the imidacloprid systemic insecticide after the soap water treatment that way you can get rid of surviving scale eggs or nymphs.
The Orchid is Mother Nature's masterpiece
- Author unknown