Hi all! I need help!
I have multiple plants showing signs of distress. I have Cattleya, Phalaenopsis, Encyclia, and Vandaceous orchids all dropping leaves. I've attached some photos of what I'm seeing. The sad looking Renenathera in the photos - I had assumed the browning tips I was seeing was some type of infection, so I cut off the brown areas but the browning has continued (I cut well into healthy green tissue then "sealed" the open areas with cinnamon).
Some back story... I moved houses about 6 months ago to a town less than an hour away. All my plants were doing just fine in the previous house. Now, not so much. I've kept care pretty much the same - I water when media is dry for Cattleya, Vandas, etc. or approaches drying for Bulbos, warm growing Phals, etc. and all plants are under grow lights.
I'm wondering if what I'm seeing is due to my care/environment (maybe my previous house had more airflow??) or if there is some sort of infection running rampant through my collection.
I've already had to throw out 7 plants and more are showing signs