Hmm... To my untrained eye, it doesn't look like pests. I've battled mealybugs quite extensively this summer and also stared at similar spots like in the second picture. I used rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab and gently rubbed the suspicious spots, they stayed where they were and I concluded it was just some scuff mark or something.
Here's a picture of one of the mealybugs I found when I got them:

It's a female and they're very easy to spot. I also found a dead male a couple of weeks later and while it was smaller, it was very easy to tell it was a mealybug using a loupe.
Test using rubbing alcohol and gently rub the suspicious spots. If it's scale or mealybugs, they'll come off. I had scale on another phal earlier, and it immediately came off when I did that.
Have you noticed any damage on your phals? When I had scales and mealybugs, I noticed the plants 'leaking' sap in odd places on top of and on the underside of the leaves.
I have no idea what they other things could be. Fingers crossed you don't have any pests.