Hi All:
I have 5 orchids, all Phals, and noticed a very, very, very small white bug on in their saucers today.

As context, I have them all on one table, where they get good sunlight and I'm in USDA Zone 9b. Humidity in my apartment is typically above 50%. All the orchids are in plastic containers with good drainage and either are in terra cotta pots or sit on a terra cotta saucer.
I watered them earlier this week and there were no bugs! Today though I saw this very tiny white bugs crawling on the bottom of the saucers. I have several other house plants and these bugs aren't on them or in their containers. I inspected the orchid leaves and don't see signs of mites, but wanted some feedback on if these bugs in the saucer could be mites and the best course of action. I'd hate to lose any orchids!
Attached are photos of two of the orchids so you can see the leaves and roots. One orchid is ok, I think. But the other one, the one with the white spots on it is the one I fear is infested.