That definitely does not look like virus. Those lighter areas look like no big issue at all. Relax and enjoy your orchids. Grow them for the flowers, don't stress over a few imperfections on the leaves. Just for reference since you have already disposed of the Catt, the main sign on Catts that raises a red flag for me is color break on the flowers. That can be due to mechanical or insect issues, but it's also a big virus symptom. Streaks and spots on leaves have lots of causes, virus is not high on the list.
Still, the only sure way of identifying virus is by testing. A biochemist with a specialty in molecular genetics who is a member of one of my orchid clubs has done considerable work on the topic of orchid virus. He devised a little test with photos of plants and flowers (tested, so he knew which were and which weren't), that he presented to a number of very knowledgeable people - experienced growers, some of them orchid judges... the task, to identify the virused plants. This expert group did no better than chance on the identifications, positive and negative. (Results that would be expected by flipping a coin or rolling dice)
Last edited by Roberta; 06-13-2021 at 04:29 PM..