Oh no!!! I noticed my Aspidogyna Argantea was suddenly all droopy today. This can't be good.
I got it I think a month ago, together with a Macodes Petola and a Pleurothallis Hamosa. The idea was to put them all in a small terrarium.
Unfortunately the Aspidogyna Argantea is all droopy. I'm worried rot or something like that, although I can't see any, but what else? I am also a little worried about the Macodes Petola. Though it is in a better state.
The thing is that I already killed a Macodes Petola once. It rotted because it was too wet. My fault. The problem is that once I hear that a plant doesn't want to dry out, I tend to overwater.
But I've always really wanted one, so I thought the way to go would be having it in a terrarium. Well this isn't working then, as it seems.
I'm happy to keep the terrarium as an open one, rather than a closed one if it helps.
I really don't want to loose the Aspidogyna. Can someone give me some tips on how I can save it? I would be really disappointed if it dies. These little plants are not cheap.
This is the post when I started the terrarium:
My First Terrarium Questions