Fungus Gnats, any new weapons?
I've read a few other threads on fungus gnats, and see that mosquito dunks are recommended (soak the dunks then use the water to water the plants). I also see carnivorous plants suggested. I recently purchased 2 carnivorous pitcher plants at a local nursery, but the pitchers promptly died...the plants are holding on, we'll see.
I have sticky strips, eucalyptus oil blasting away from plug ins, and I just read that bounce drier sheets can be effective? But I've been told this about everything (works on mice--no it does not--etc). There's only so much scented products I can take and bounce + the eucalyptus is pushing it. Anyone had success with bounce?
I've been doing a soap/oil spray every other week, but it does nothing to the gnats. I tried it with isopropyl alcohol last year, but the orchids did not like that.
The big guns (Bayer and Azamax) are coming out soon since I've spotted a few of the dread mealybugs.
Open to all suggestions that are appropriate for indoor application. I wear a mask when I apply Bayer and Azamax indoors, it is too cold to take anything outside.
Final comment: I have had adult fungus gnats follow me to work. I am not kidding. This was last year. I'm hoping to get a handle on it this year.