At night 15-19 C, around 60% humidity during day is 24-30C around 40% humidity, medium is a small piece of log, seems a bit old and perhaps mold or fungus growing, but have yet to research how to un mount and if it’s a good idea to pot it or mount it to something else or potting . Orchid is placed outside hangin from a ceiling shaded from direct sunlight but gets plenty of light and air. The thing that brought to cut the pseudobulb was that it started turning yellow as did the leaf but that perhaps was me panicking. Thank you very much for taking the time, I really am getting into orchid growing and want to learn as much as possibly can.
Also I am posting a picture of another laelia that I bought from the same vendor, am worried it could also be sick, but since you tell me some old healthy Pseudobulbs turn brownish dark, could you corroborate it is indeed healthy or perhaps something else. also some small white discoloration on leaf. Again thanks a lot
( same conditions as the other orchid, this just seems to be older. ) roots might be dry I have been hesitant as to water it these past 4 days risking spread of disease.