Dendrobium beetle eating candy
Beetles have to eat something obviously. This morning, I noticed at first glance a cute 'spider' on the petal of my C. Caudabec Candy. But after a few more seconds - it was clear that this wasn't a spider.
It's still a cute beetle - just doing its thing (eating). I've actually never used carbaryl solution on flowers before, as I've never (exception coming up) had dendrobium beetle eating any of my orchid flowers ----- until recently, when my fairly new cyms had their flowers open for quite a long time (long lasting), and something was tucking into the cym flowers after a while.
The water drops on the flowers are only due to the carbaryl mix that I sprayed onto the flowers. I think these substances will/can leave residue or white marks/patches on some flowers - maybe darker coloured flowers.
Anyway, these sorts of beetles are apparently common in our state of Queensland. I'll just monitor the situation.
Another thing that I haven't tried before is to just very lightly coat flowers with gentle puffs of pyrethrum spray --- or put a timed sprayer puffer near the flowers - and do a single puff every "X" number of hours. These puffers only cover a fairly small area. There is the outdoors version puffers. But I won't resort to this just yet - to avoid collateral damage (other insects). The Dendrobium beetle is just doing its thing too - surviving like the rest of us. So ------ nothing personal as such!
Last edited by SouthPark; 08-14-2020 at 06:10 PM..