What do you think it is? They were FINE when I last checked them on Saturday. I've already lost a couple of leaves on this one, so I'm worried it will eat the whole cane.... I will get some Listerine while I'm in town. I did wash down the whole thing in rubbing alcohol though. Wouldn't that have the same effect?
Sorry, I have no idea what the actual problem is
I guess alcohol would work the same way...I'm just in the habit of reaching for my Listerine sprayer whenever I see a "what-the-heck-is-that" situation
If you decide to get Listerine, it's fine to get the store-brand (the real stuff is too expensive) but make sure to get the original color/flavor, not the mint (don't know why but that's what I've read)
Location: I'm originally from Trinidad and Tobago in the caribbean but i live in California now
Age: 44
Posts: 857
I hope you didnt use anything over 71% alcohol to spray your leaves, because i did that by accident and the leaves turned yellow REALLY fast and dropped off!!
I'm taking a guess at it. But according to the picture, I think your Dendrobium is way overpotted. Dendrobiums like to be pot bound like no other. Roots will go bad quickly if that's the case.
I also noticed you have a saucer under your pot. Do you let water sit in the saucer for days? Do you water your plant by filling up the saucer and letting the pot sit in water for more than a minute?
You didn't mention your watering habits. Did you water once a week or more than that?
I gather you're growing the Dendrobium indoors. Did you turn on the AC? Some Dendrobium spp. or hybrids are intermediate to warm growing.
I tend to forget this fact about orchids often so I'll just metion it as a reminder for everyone including myself...
Orchids don't always respond as quickly as some other flowering plants do to changes in the environment and stimuli. So signs like overpotting and/or overwatering an orchid may not show up until months later. This includes having the plant grown in the wrong temperature range.
This puppy was sick when I got her two weeks ago. After the spider mites and the leaves that were already yellowing a day after I got it home, I repotted. The roots were really healthy and this was the smallest pot I could find--one inch up from what it already had. Now a baby cane is entirely dead.
And this morning, I noticed a spot on my phal that is spiking two rooms away. AHHHHHHHHH. I'm thinking I might have to trash it. It's been watered once. It has over 30 buds that ALL blasted. So depressing. $20 down the toilet.