I'll post this same reply in the beginner board and here just in case you're only looking at one or the other:
So I may have overreacted. Or not.
I went to town, got two new pots, alcohol, cotton balls. I did one in the kitchen sink and one in the bathroom tub. They had been soaking in water while I was gone to loosen. Oddly enough, the one that seemed FINE beforehand had little bugs hopping around in the water and one very tiny thing that had like 100 legs. HUH???
Anyway, I took out all the old medium, doused the roots in alcohol (is that bad?), repotted, and then wiped down all the leaves with alcohol, too. The chids might be drunk now...
Then, as an extra precaution, I sprayed my phals down with the bug killer. Then I took all the trash outside even though it's raining to get it OUT of my house. BOOOO. My orchids have been nice and healthy for so long. Sigh. But I think it will be OK. (crosses fingers again) I'll be sure to keep you updated. But I have a strong feeling that the den will bud blast all 20 buds from all the disruption. I've been reading on here that dens are picky...