Inspired by Curtis2010's "Rio Dulce Morning Coffee Stroll" I figured I would start a similar thread to post pictures of what's going on with the orchids that I have growing around my house. Seeing as I only have orchids outdoors the Outdoor Gardening forum seemed appropriate, though if someone thinks it belongs somewhere else please let me know.
For the most part the orchids I have were collected on our property in Northern Costa Rica. Though after a storm I'll often take a scenic route through the hills if I have time, keeping an eye out for fallen trees and branches which often have orchids doomed to die on the the ground if no one saves them.
In any case for most of the year there is something in bloom, so this thread should get semi-regular posts with pictures of native Costa Rica orchids.
Here are a few of the orchids that bloomed last few weeks around the house, starting with a small Sobralia decora that bloomed for the first time.
with a metallic green orchid bee
Another Sobralia, S. mucronata
Maxillaria longipetiolata
Epidendrum noturnum are starting to bloom all over the place
Some Pluerothallis,
maybe cordifolia
No idea of the species on the next two
And another tiny one, a Stellis
Last edited by SG in CR; 11-09-2017 at 08:42 AM..
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Thanks, there should be some really nice ones coming up in the next few months. My Gongoras and Stanhopea have produced multiple new pbulbs for each of last years so they should put on quite a show. Plus a few new one seem like they might bloom soon too. Looking forward to seeing what they are.
Well, thought I'd share some of the more interesting flowers that bloomed since last post.
The E. nocturnum are still blooming, this one is a little unusual as the center part of the lip is short.
My Sobralia fragrans are still putting on a show once a month.
Rodriguezia compacta, a fairly common orchid here
A purplish Stellis that I've had for a while now.
Need to run, but there are quite a few more that I'll post when I get a minute.