Wow! look at all your encouraging responses!!Thanks!!!
I climb out there every morning (or more often than that - it is nice out there

Supposed to rain tomorrow afternoon - maybe i will just mist in the morning...
Anyway, I bring each wooden structure inside, put it in the shower for a soak, put it back outside.
The window to the fire escape is right next to the bathroom. (The window is practically right next to the elevated subway

Watering is actually quicker with this arrangement!
While i was growing indoors, everything was watered more or less individually and used to take over twice as long.
Yes i did build the wooden structures - mostly cedar, some cypress. some were specifically for orchids. and others were modified/abandoned art projects. I stretched shade cloth over the fire escape. I don't know why but there arent any squirrells out here

so those critters aren't a problem. I see spiders out there! Maybe take care of someof my whiptails...
things dry out more quickly out there, but i think it'll all be happier there than inside the hot apartment over the summer. The Dockrillias sure do Great though! Getting all purple...
thanks again,