Swamper, I'm thinking it was about 50 cents. And, I
WISH I was a STAR!!!
Sandy, I got me a GH already- FULL, Chid Hotels- FULL. Now I'll just Fill up every window in Da' HOUSE!! He'll see nuttin' but suction cups everytime he looks out a Window!!
I told him we have LOTS of Fence to build more Chid Hotels! He says NO MORE! So I'm down to soap holders and windows!
Susanne, Thanks. Glad you likey
Hiker, have fun filling that cart with these handy little things!!
I only bought one, as a test for real. But I'm heading back for more soon, now that I see how happy my baby is in there! It's cheeesy lookin', I know
But, A girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta Do!!