Yeah, my guide gives the same bloom dates, for the most part. "Wild Orchids of Florida" says that flowers may last into November. But the flowers max out at about 3mm, which makes them INCREDIBLY difficult to see, especially with my pathetic eyesight.
I will try my best to remember that they are "twig epiphytes" and concentrate more on the smaller branches than trunks.
I predict that once I see one, I will see them everywhere. It took hours and hours of searching in an area where I knew that E. tampensis grew before I could find one. But then I went back through places I had already checked, and found a dozen or more. Now I can spot them from a moving car when they are not in bloom.
This challenge is kind of fun. At the risk of seeming crass, it's a little like a type of virginity- part of me loves the anticipation, but another part can't wait for it to happen!
(PS- I know I spelled Harrisella wrong in the title. I promise, it was a typo and not a spelling error. ::shudder: