Originally Posted by jcec1
All are very nice, what is the scent of the lueddemanniana? The pink panther is a really nice shape and I like both the patterning and colour.
Fragrance is so hard to describe when it's not something specific... It's very floral and a bit spicy. My best attempt to describe it would be floral with spicy, citrusy notes. Similar to a Burr Nelly Isler if you've ever smelled one before.
Originally Posted by greenpassion
Camille, I don't have any photo equipment at all, and I'm planning on photographing 24 phals that I have in bloom right now. All I have is my phone  I'm not sure how I'm going to go about this, but I do know that (perhaps because they're taken on my phone) I can't upload any more than 3 at a time. I can't wait to post them though, and hopefully I'll get someone here to help identify a couple of them...
I was going to say that I can't wait for the photos, but when I went to reply to this one I saw that you created a thread with photos. I'm going to go drool over your Phals now.