Aerangis fastuosa, Dendrobium wilsonii and Dendrobium draconis.
Aergs. fastuosa
I got this as very small seedling about a year and half ago. I mounted it on a small pumice slab with some sphagnum moss around the root.
I watered it twice daily in summer, and during winter once in two or three days, just enough to keep the moss from completely drying out.
One of the surprise I got during the last winter was that this little guy is able to keep up in few days with chilly nights as low as 8°C. Despite the cold snaps, it was able to send out the first flower buds and finally bloomed today.
Den. wilsonii:
And this compared to Den. moniliforme:
Some botanists think that this dendrobium is just a variety of Den. moniliforme. But I think it would be a bit more safe to call it as separate species.
Den. draconis
I like those almost vein-like, intense orange markings on the lip. And the flower itself is so shiny that it looks like a flower made of plastic.