Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa
Tips, tips would be nice. Looks like it is in bark?
Perfect drainage is a must. When new growth commences, water daily if mounted or grown in an open basket. 1 tsp. per gal of fertilizer bi-weekly is the dosage. I alternate between Miracle Grow and the Michigan State Univ. formula for city water. Lots of air is also beneficial. I have five small fans in my 12 x 25' greenhouse. The media is just Orchiada bark which I like because it will last for up to ten years without the need for re-potting. I abhor re-potting so consequently I have a lot of plants growing out of the pot which incidentally, they seem to prefer based on the better flowering achieved by letting them do this. And finally the other requirement which is light. A little direct morning sun with lots of bright light for the remainder of the day. All growing conditions are different but this is what has worked best for me.