Hi from my San Francisco windowsill!
I'm really excited bout these guys.
I've got 5 in bloom right now, and here they are
Dendrobium unicum - I got this at the Pacific Orchid Expo, and it didn't have a single spike. It's gone totally nuts, and I love the fragrance!
NOID Phal - has a really wonderful scent! If anyone has any clue as to what it might be, that would be really helpful. It has very interesting leaves. They look more like Paphiopedilum leaves to me than Phal leaves! It was a gift from a special friend, and I've counted 3 flower spikes.
Masdevallia (falcata x discoldea) - This is the second time that this orchid has bloomed for me already this year. I also believe it to be a sequential bloomer...
Oncidium "Twinkle" - Very vanilla-ish smell. Love this little one!
I also have my Lepanthes telipogoniflora with a bunch of spikes, but I'm going to wait until it's actually blooming to share it.
I'll also just share the rest of my windowsill that is not in bloom.
Thanks for looking!