Museum Collection - revamped and blooming
Hello everyone:
I volunteer at the Indianapolis Museum of Art's Madeline F Elder greenhouse, assisting to rebuild the orchid collection that had suffered from years of inconsistent care, heater failures, some fungal and bacterial infections,etc.
One of the employees, Janice, has been immersing herself in orchid culture to increase her overall knowledge of orchid care. Also, the greenhouse manager, Sue, has been provided with funding from the benefactor's heirs and she has purchased some really nice hybrids to boost the collection. I thought I would show pics of the first year's crop of blooms. I hope you enjoy's a small greenhouse, but they have a wide variety of orchid species represented........
(Sorry the photos are small - I am not sure why it sized them down like that! I will add some more when I get back from the greenhouse, I'll try to get some close ups!)
Last edited by Stray59; 04-04-2015 at 01:29 PM..