Well patients has finally paid off. Some of my plants have decided to show off their stuff.

Hopefully they'll all open & I'll have quite the show in my window

I just put them in my gallery & people can look. The pictures aren't the greatest, but when they open & it will be worth spending a couple of hours just trying to get that picture "just right" I'll take the time. Medusa is opening quickly so I'll post that one soon. One of the buds (the first to open) is facing the window & obsecured by a leaf.
Sorry I forgot how to get pictures in the post, I'm not sure they'll work right

Can't wait for the weekend when I can really spend some time with the camera.
Thanks to all for looking. All these possibilities are making me feel good about all the time spent.
HERE THEY ARE!! & it's past my bed time. Sweet Dreams to all, & to all a good night.