I learned alot more this spring/summer. I thought I was doing all the right things, but alas I went from one extreme to another. Filtered H2O wasn't good (too much Calcium) so I went to distilled, only to find that was worst (no minerals)- so from now on it's spring water. I used Safer 3 in 1 which killed the spider mites, but also some of my plants (I guess I covered the roots too heavily). So the next month I tried a strong funguscide. Again I over did it. The month after that I used less strong. I still get fungus on one plant then another. At this point I'm afraid to use anything on my plants. I have 2 with fungus & I've cut the leaves off but no new leaves are coming back.
Have I learned anything - YES I haven't learned how to apply insecticide/fungusicide to plants. What's an Orchid Mom to do
By the way it's good to be back. I didn't realize how much I missed The Orchid Board