Well, many are either lady slippers that do not grow very big, and many dendrobiums and cattleyas that grow skinny and tall, so they do not take up much space and I can put many of them side by side. lol
Well, properly watering them all (which happens about once every two week) does take a long time like 4 to 6 hours. Yeah, that is like a half day almost!
During the summer time when everything dries fast, I water about half of my collection more than twice a week. These are fast growing dendrobiums, some cattleyas, oncidiums, and others in rather course potting mix.
Ones in mostly moss or in larger pots, I water less.
Then I mist and dunk small hanging pots and mounts at least once everyday.
Also, I take time to examine and clean leaves quite often now that I have some mites issues.
With window open in the summer, even green aphids make their way in and land on young leaves or growing spikes, so I really have to watch out for the bugs.
Overall, I enjoy tending my plants. I think it is a great hobby.
I really wish I had a greenhouse though. The watering chore will be much easier then. oh, well...
Last edited by NYCorchidman; 07-28-2013 at 02:08 PM..