Orchids Currently Blooming
I have far too many pictures to put in this thread, but here's a list of what's blooming for me right now:
-Paph. haynaldianum 'KOS' x Pinocchio 'HALO'
-Onc. Jungle Monarch 'Pacific Pride' (put out a spike for me with 14 blooms)
-Blc. Tangerine Horses X Blc. Carolina Golden D'or (double spiking)
-Den. Spectabile is finishing its blooming right now, but has some spike growth
-Pot. Little Goldfish just finished
-V. JVB x Ascda Butterfly is about to open a bloom in the next few days
-Vanda Gordon Dillon x V. Madame Rattana finished blooming a week ago, and is now in full root-growing mode
-A NoID mini phal with some pink and purple is about done blooming
-I have about 3 white NoID phals in the middle of blooming
-Several more NoID phals, plus a few that do have IDs but are very common plants (most have some kind of orange color)
-What appears to be a mini NoID phal in double spike (this was a rescue so I have no idea what to expect)
-Two yellow NoID mini phals, one of which has a keiki with two open blooms
-Most of my Dens are growing but not really close to blooming yet