To all of you thanks for so many lovely comments. I will try to answer all the questions you have raised
With regard to temperature and cymbidiums- I keep them outside until the frosts come, then they go into an unheated greenhouse, just above 40F, mostly. They stay there with little or no water until I see blooms/new growths forming. Then they come into a cool room indoors and are thoroughly watered and fed until the blooms start to open then they go into the display area which is a bay window with light from the west. Curtains are drawn over them at night so they still get cool nights although days are about 68F.
Terri, the blue and white china is a fad - I started looking out for pieces (none expensive or rare!) after seeing blue and white china displays in stately homes - the chair was a steal at a local auction, and is loved by the dog because she can see the postman from there!
Jim, I love Fawlty Towers too, and life here gets that crazy at times, I thought it most appropriate
Jenny and Rosie, they are all noids, the Balkans Kaleidoscope lookee likee came from Tesco about five years ago and is called Old Faithful as it is rarely if ever out of flower. The white and pink Phal came from Lidl
Camille, I haven't measured the light which I really should because it has just been replaced and I don't know if the new glass is letting more or less light through. It faces due west and is too hot in the summer for anything but the cacti and succulents. I don't have a light meter and these pictures were taken without flash at 8.30 am and the weather has been quite dull, so I should think the light is quite good on the window sill.