Originally Posted by Leisurely
Quite a nice show Jasen. I have a very large plant but have never been able to get more than two flowers at once.
If you want a little hint, there is one way to make it produce multiple flowers, and your probably going to look at me funny for saying it. It goes against everything you've ever heard about Psychopsis....but it is what ultimately made mine such a heavy producer. Are ya ready? Wait for it.....CUT THE SPIKES IN HALF!!!

. This plant used to have three spikes. When it was potted vertically, the spikes started to rot (due to water resting in the brachts). The rot was progressing up all three spikes, towards the plant. To keep it from reaching the plant, I cut them all back to about half of the length that they were. Almost immediately, all three spikes grew two new leads....so now I had six. Since then, another two spikes have grown from new p-bulbs, and I have done the same with them. So there is a total of ten flower-producing brachts coming out of five spikes.....Maximum yield!