Some orchids in bloom and some that I can't wait for them to bloom!
Coryanthes macrantha. I just saw this spike coming out, I was so happy because it's such an unusual flower.
Eplc. volcano trick 'Fireball'. I thought I lost the three spikes this one had b/c I repotted it while it was in spike because the bark it was in started growing mold... but two spike survived!
Not fully open but still a beauty.
Onc. sharry baby. Two spikes from this fragrant beauty! And the spikes are huge!!
Two Cattleyas and one Phal. They get a nice splash of morning sun and then the tree shades them. The phal has a spike emerging. I love the look of mounted orchids... even better when they bloom. Natures art, I can stare at 'em for hours!!