I have read once that this orchid may exhaust itself by putting out too many buds. There was a suggestion to remove some of the undeveloped buds to conserve plants’ energy. Not sure how much truth is in this suggestion. But the number of buds on this tiny plant makes me consider above advice.
Don't remove buds! It will be fine. One of the lovely features of Den. cuthbersonii, which it imparts to its hybrids, is long lasting flowers. Like lasting for months! That's a beautiful plant, enjoy it. If it can't support all the flowers the plant will drop them. It won't commit suicide. But it's a flower machine... doing what comes naturally.
Don't remove buds! It will be fine. … But it's a flower machine... doing what comes naturally.
Thank you for your advice! You are so right about ‘flower machine’ . This one did not stop even for a day. The only thing that changes is the number of flowers on the bush. And it is lovely!