Temperatures here have fallen to 70s for highs and 60s for lows, and apparently it's almost full-hoodie-weather here! It makes me chuckle what's considered 'cold' here. I miss chilly autumn evenings with warm apple cider... but my orchids aren't complaining.
Encyclia tampensis
Second time blooming this year. I thought it had a rosy fragrance the first time, but it smells chocolaty this time around. weird!
Rhynchobrassoleya Golden Tang 'MBF'
I really enjoy this Richard Mueller hybrid from Marble Branch Farms. It flowers a few times a year - fades from sunset orange to a vibrant yellow with a fantastic spicy fragrance. It had been sulking since I moved from Atlanta to San Diego... but it's finally picking back up.
Dendrobium bullenianum
These are free flowering on leafless canes. Nice pompoms.
Brassolaeliocattleya Yen Corona 'green genie'
This one came back from a single rootless pbulb. I don't really like these noisy ones but I've grown attached trying to revive it!
Cattleya maxima coerulea
First time blooming on this one... came off a shealthless spike over a year old. came out a little deformed.
Epiphyllum hookeri (probably)
Grows and blooms very easily. I can't grow desert cacti (I overwater) but these love water!
Ipomoea alba (moonflower)
These are wonderful fragrant plants that bloom in the night and close by daybreak.
Pineapple guava and the garden nemesis