Originally Posted by rbarata
Beautiful flowers!
As a side note, my phal season is finishing.
Thanks! And that's wild, I thought we roughly had the same climate and would be on the same page.
Spring bloomers were very late and had few flowers here, we've had one of the worst spring ever recorded.
Originally Posted by camille1585
Very nice Phals! That violacea alba is beautiful with those tinges of green on the tips of the petals.
Thanks, you have some very neat plants yourself! I'm expecting showier Phal soon, if I don't mess it up

This violacea has been crossed with a blue Malaysian violacea, I'm really curious to see how the blooms will turn out!
The problem with "boring Phal" is that the market is overloaded with white/pink hybrids with huge flowers/high flower count and equestris type miniatures.
There are literally thousands and thousands of uniquely registered Phal that end up being 98% schilleriana or amabilis.
They are cloned by millions and sold for cheap, in bad condition, a lot of the time with mutations, without a name, all over the world.
I think it associates Phal with starter orchids because, well, that's what they are in most cases.
When you start getting deeper into the hobby and you see all these plants with fancy names, flowers, growth habits, awards etc; it's hard justifying spending on a supermarket Phal when you can grab something much more thrilling.
Like you say Camille, people don't necessarily realise there's much more to Phalaenopsis than what they think.