Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts
Where were they inside? Was it like a patio or fully climate controlled indoors?
I would maybe hang a white sheet or (better) some shade cloth for a while so they can have a more drawn out adjustment period.
Yeap! For the less light needed orchids Temp control for sure was optima, but light was poor. About 3-4 natural light (window light) and then 8 -10 hours with 35-40 W leds. See example of pic below...
I have more orchids than those on the picture; some inside the house for decoration in windowsills, I also have like a cooler growing room for the Masdevallia and I also have the terrarium
I totally agreed more shade is need it because temperatures have went up lately and it's too hot now even if the sun is partially covered.
Originally Posted by Roberta
Spraying doesn't do much except maybe create wet spots on leaves that could grow pathogens, or make droplets that could focus sun and add to the possible burning issue. DC's advice is spot-on... watch what is going on and act accordingly. If you need to water, water thoroughly so it runs through the pot.
As for the water, excuse me and allow me to correct the expression from mist to pressure irrigation, that goes directly in the upper layer of the substrate, this is beside the regular deep watering and fertilization. I don't usually mist the leaves, at least not on purpose, it happens from time to time by accident. So I think we are aligned on that. Let's see how it progresses for a couple of days
. However, It will be nice to understand your automatic irrigation and your best practice in this regard.
Thank you guys ...as always fantastic points of view and experiences.