The first two buds opened on my Phal. NoID White Multiflora with Pink Lip on 4 Feb. It was just in time for our orchid society meeting on 13 Feb.; and by the time my phal was judged at our orchid show on 15 Feb., the fourth bud fully opened. These are the pictures I took on the 12th:
This is how it looked after the judging; it took 3rd place!
This how my phal looks today; just three more buds to open and it'll be fully blooming. I hope the ends of the flower spike and branch start developing and thus bloom as well.
Thanks, Cheri. To think that I didn't think the blooms were that great when I bought it a couple years ago. I bought it at Kroger as a "Manager's Special" as the blooms were almost completely gone. I almost passed it up but my husband saw the spent blooms and thought it'd be pretty in full bloom and said to buy it anyway. I was completely surprised as to how nice the blooms look and now I'm glad I did buy it.