Usually it blooms in Sept but, as some other orchids this year, it bloomed out of the usual season.
It was an offer, back in 2016, and came to me as a pbulb only (photo bellow). Put it in bark and it grew and bloomed after two years.
I take care of it but don't need to give it much attention, it's not a picky plant. Water and some fertilizer and it grows well.
The leaves are always ugly and it seems the plant is always dehydrated but it has been growing well outside since Spring till Fall (in Winter I put it inside, although at a lower temp than my warm growing orchids).
Thank you, Carol.
In fact this is a compact plant but it needs a repot as sthe new pbulbs are already suspended in the air with the roots going down into the medium.
About the leaves spotting, like you I really don't know.
But I suspect that in the wild they are worse.