Oklahoma Orchid Society Show & Sale -11/17 & 18, 2007
A program on the Native Orchid Species of Oklahoma will be given at no charge and open to the public at the upcoming Oklahoma Orchid Society Fall Show and Sale “Orchid Centennial”. The session will include descriptive information and growing habits and habitats of at least 34 orchid species native to Oklahoma. Conservation of the endangered species such as the Cypripedium kentuckiensis (Southern Lady's Slipper), Goodyeara pubescens (Jewell Orchid), and Hexalectis spicata (Crested Coral Root) and others will be the main focus.
The Show and Sale will be held on November 17th and 18th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day at the Will Rogers Exhibition Hall, 3400 NW 36th , Oklahoma City, OK. Admittance and parking is free and open to the public. There will be 20 exhibitors hailing from Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklahoma including a display from our own renowned Myriad Botanical Gardens. There will also be 4 orchid vendors, 1 artistic pots vendor and 1 artistic miniature orchid art vendor, raffles, a silent auction and hourly door prizes.
The keynote speaker on the Oklahoma Native Orchid Species will be Carolyn McCabe, Accredited American Orchid Society Judge. The session will be from 1:00 to 2:00 on Sunday, November 18th in Room 2 of the Will Roger's Exhibition Center.
For more information about the show and/or the Native Orchid Species of Oklahoma program, contact Margaret or Vernon Reynolds at 405-752-2398.