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View Poll Results: To keep non-performers or not?
This poll will close on 07-26-2008 at 02:51 PM |
Yes, keep it because one day (in your wildest dreams) it might.
(..._...), addictedcountryman, Becky15349, Bell_bella, bonsai1504, caseydoll, greggnkay, Jadeco, Jerry Delaney, Junebug, justatypn, kavanaru, Keith Sheridan, Mothra79, peggypugsmom, princessbydezine, quiltingwacko, Ranchnanny, Roly0217, shakkai, Soonix, sucuz, susiep, Tindomul
24 |
55.81% |
Dump it. I don't have room for non performers and I have a wish list too long to imagine.
Andrew, Bird Song Farm, cb977, cowboy51278, Dantheman, Des, Gin, Grandma M, isurus79, jkofferdahl, karren, kiki-do, Lagoon, Magnus A, quiltergal, Ross, Royal, Shirley, whygreenberg
19 |
44.19% |
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