The The frigid weather is over, and after the -10C and ice skating on frozen canals last week, this morning I was playing tennis in a teeshirt with the clubhouse thermometer indicating a nice, spring like 18°C. With the mild weather Elsner Orchideen in Germany finally shipped my order from a month ago, and I got them today. Between these and the new ones from last weekend, I increased my collection by 10 in only 6 days...
I got these:
First photo, 2 Cats from SVO
*Clowesia Rebecca Northen x Catasetum Melana Davison (one the left with the new growth just starting)
*Clowesia Rebecca Northen x self (1 year from blooming, so should bloom next winter)
Second photo, from left to right
*Holcostylis M S Sunlight (Holcoglossum flavescens x Rhynchostlis gigantea)
*Dendrobium Hibiki (I'm surprised at how large it is)
*Dendrobium harveyanum