Originally Posted by estación seca
I strongly suspect all the vendors will bring stuff that isn't on their pre-order list. Be Prepared!
Oh dear

well that’s good to know!
They must have just released their list of lecture sessions over the last few days, it looks pretty good and I’m glad I’m planning on going all three days. The ones that I am most interested in are on Dendrobiums: Section Callista, Laelias of Mexico, Guarianthe skinneri, Brazilian bifoliate Cattleyas, one class each for pests and diseases (which is always helpful), orchid species for south Florida (since we have somewhat similar climates), and growing award winning Vandas.
I am ESPECIALLY looking forward to the lecture on Vandas. I have yet to be able to bloom one and have killed 2 of my 4. I left them out this winter out of spite and did not feel bad about it. The annoying part is that I have several friends, coworkers and neighbors who have purchased one, asked me for my limited advice, I’ve told them what to do (water, fertilizer, bright light, and no, they do not grow in dirt- please take it out of the ground), and then they have excitedly texted me several pictures over the years of the darn things blooming.....