I haven't grown it, but have friends who have it. It doesn't need hot. Intermediate to warm will be fine. 50%-60% humidity is more than enough. It needs a very loose soil mix, since it's an epiphyte, like many orchids. But its root system is much smaller.
Cryptocereus in habitat are full-sun lithophytes. They receive very high humidity. They grow fine in lower humidity and lower amounts of light, but the more light, the better the flowers.
Also, be sure you really have Cryptocereus - a very large California nursery sells Epiphyllum chrysocardium as Cryptocereus anthonyanus. The Epi cannot take much sun and really does need higher humidity. Plus, it's an enormous plant before it gives its enormous flowers.
Last edited by estación seca; 04-08-2017 at 02:41 AM..