A big

to everyone, and an announcement of a return to something I adore, Orchids!
Long story short, after a few hard years regarding health issues and a lack of family and friends locally who have that green fingered touch, I find myself with a rather reduced Orchid collection. Yet that hasn't stopped my love for the green beauties, more adjusted my thinking on how to go about rebuilding my collection.
So that being said, with an abundance to choose from I would like to pick some brains.
I am looking for suggestions on which Orchids people would recommend?
I am looking for Orchids that:
Are not heavy or too large.
Can cope with a home environment.
Can survive in Hardy UK conditions and sandy soil.
Will not Bankrupt me.
Are not Phalaenopsis (love them, but like variety).
Currently my surviving Orchids include:
Neofinetia Falcata, mounted on mopani wood and set in a small fish tank with gravel and water base. Mount does not touch water. It is doing very well. Has flowered and looks set to make me happy again this year.
Cattleya Intermedia, mounted and taking over the mount considerably. Sits atop a large sealed base plant pot with gravel and water to provide extra humidity. Plant mount does not touch water! Doing better now I am better. Has flowered in the past.
Oncidium sphacelatum, potted and due for a re-pot. Has never proved troublesome but also has not yet flowered, though this year it is again producing healthy new growth. This is a reasonable sized plant and currently the limit of what I would be looking for. Pseudobulb and leaf length currently at 15 inch (4 / 11)
Dendrobium fimbriatum, struggling with this one and will be adjusting its environment this year. Currently potted, but looking into a hanging mount due to the long pseudobulbs it produces. Has never flowered, but produces new growth each year. Needs TLC and is a bit beyond the size limit for what I can currently handle.
Pseudobulb reaches past 2 foot.
A Noid Brassia - was £4 and cheaper than a bunch of flowers - producing new growth, but does not seem as happy as it should be.
Coelogne cristata, never flowered but happily keeps growing. Currently small in size.
Selection of NOID Phals.... No problems here.
As for light it is rare where I live in the UK to get too many grey skies, usually temps are a few degrees more moderate than elsewhere in the country, and we are relatively coastal so humidity is reasonable.
Any suggestion of plants to look in to and consider would be much appreciated!
Thank you in advance.
PS: It's lovely to be back on this Board with such an abundance of beautiful Orchid Pics to make me drool.