My Yearly Fantasy Orchid trip came a little early this year

I heard they were going to be stocked for Valentine's Day and that they were having a special where if you spent $60 you were able to choose a free cattleya, oncidium, or dendrobium. I was able to get three freebies bc I went big lol it's the only nursery in CO and I try to go only once a year. An employee, Hannah was amazingly helpful and her enthusiasm of orchids definitely helped me fall in love with almost everything she showed me lol. So here is my list: Enc. cordigera x Epi. randii (in spike), Rhychostylis gigantea 'Spots' x Rhychostylis gigantea 'Makesuranalee' (seedling), Phal. Wiganiae, Sarcochilus Cherie 'Scarlet' x Sarcochilus Cherry Siren, Neost. Baby Angel, Pot. Dick Smith 'Paradise' (in bud), BL. Yellow Bird (in bloom), Neostylis Lou Sneary 'Blue Bird' (in spike x2), and my freebies... Den. Burana Doll NO.7 (in bloom), LC. Little Fortune 'NN' (in spike), LC. Blazing Sun 'NN' (in spike).

. The Phal is looking a little rough.
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