Three cheers for you, Calvin!
Clerking at a show is a phenomenal experience!
I did it for the last three shows our club put together and loved every second of it! Just remember not to make any comments to the judges...but as you're walking around with them, conversations will take place and you can learn SO much!!!
Clerking, for us anyway, is done in teams. One person records the information, one person points out which plant is being judged (the judging teams get a specific list of plants for them to judge) and one or two people usually work together to place the ribbon on the chosen plant.
Please let us know when you're done..I would love to hear your thoughts on the process.
Getting people to volunteer to help in a show is not an easy thing to do. There is a lot of work involved for everybody but the rewards are tremendous. All members of your society who have volunteered their time and effort should be applauded.