I first heard about Fantasy Orchids when I attended the Denver Orchid Society show back in March. Fantasy Orchids is located in Louisville CO and it's 2 hrs from where I live. I wanted to buy the amesiella monticola so I called and they said they have it. I made the trip and asked again for the amesiella monticola and they said they don't have it but they had some one call about masdevallias the day before ( it was me and I am sure I didn't say that lol ) all was forgiven bc she was extremely helpful and polite and they had tons of orchids. I even got a free orchid when I checked in on FB. I will have to get the amesiella monticola through an online order sometime next month

It was a great trip and I hope to make it back soon. My purchases were: (Blc. Hawaiian Thrill x Marlene Lundquist) 'Hawaii', POT. Jerry Rehfeld 'Red Flare' (free one), ANGCM. sesquipedale, Gastrochilus bellinus, NOID Brassavola (possible cucullata), and Slc. Jewel Box 'Sheherazade' in bloom.
If anyone has any tips on these orchids pls let me know. I plan on mounting the bellinus and NOID Brassavola here in the next week or so.