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Old 04-15-2015, 12:27 AM
addictedcountryman addictedcountryman is offline
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I admit, I'm a frequent lurker, but primarily because I just don't know as much as I would like to. I enjoy learning from the posts.

I did take a hiatus and coming back, I noticed that it does seem like there aren't as many members actively posting, but it could also be that since I've joined, I can check my phone multiple times a day versus when I first joined and I was limited to a laptop or desktop check-in once a day.

I also enjoy the number of members OB has, so the chances of reading a post from someone local is higher than another forum I once belonged to. I discontinued membership there due to a member's frequent and uncomfortable emails, which I've never encountered here.

I'm grateful this forum exists because it is my "out" after a long day with students and it feels like a hobby that is healthy for me 😁

---------- Post added at 08:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Ray View Post
How folks state stuff ("I'm not sure I agree", versus "Jane, you ignorant slut"),
This is by far the funniest thing I've read on OB.
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Old 04-15-2015, 04:54 AM
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I’ve been here a long time (over 8 years), and I was somewhat active on other forums in the first few years, but I don’t remember which anymore. Each forum has its own personality, and in the end it was OB that appealed to me the most. I don’t really like the more restrictive forums (in terms of what you can/can’t post, like grower names) since I think all information is meant to be shared. The worst forum I was on though was a French one. If you happened to create a post in the wrong category, furious mods sent you rude messages. If you wanted to share some blooming plants, you weren’t allowed to post more than one plant per thread and there were very specific criteria for the thread title (name, temp, size, light...). No non-orchid comments weren't allowed within any thread (we have a lot of friendly off topic banter here, which is part of what gives the sense of community). Grammar police would attack you for the slightest mistake. It was a miserable forum...

As a beginner I really appreciated the friendliness here, and the fact that people always took the time to reply, even if a question had been asked many times before. And while I liked the other English language forums, here was where I felt the biggest sense of community. But things change over the years, and while I still think we’re a friendly bunch, I miss the days of Sue, Dorothy, Ross, Kavanaru, Shakkai and others, back around 2007-2010. The close-knittedness and family side of the forum was really apparent when our much beloved moderator Dorothy died, she was the queen of looking things up, and was always so cheerful. I’ve been extremely loyal to OB ever since.

Originally Posted by WhiteRabbit View Post
I don't have any experience with other orchid forums - I landed here, and have been happy

I will say, that in recent months, I have noticed a trend here with posts going by without comment, and it makes me sad. I try to make sure that I look back over the past days posts, so that any that may be approaching a day with no comment, get at least mine - but I seem to be the only person concerned about that anymore - and if I miss any (I apologize!), or don't get on the board, they may get missed completely

I understand that people are busy, but if you post here, I'm guessing you would like people to look and comment (or answer questions, if that is why you have posted), so I think everyone should keep in mind that it should be reciprocal.

If you are new, and/or shy - don't be afraid to comment, please! We don't bite!
I’ve had the same impression as you, though I haven’t been making as much effort as you to try to post in those empty threads. I think it’s good to remind people that even if they don’t have the answer to a person’s question, if the post is over a day old it often helps to reply to it simply to ‘bump’ it back up so that other people see it.

Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....

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Old 04-15-2015, 05:00 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Originally Posted by WhiteRabbit View Post
I will say, that in recent months, I have noticed a trend here with posts going by without comment, and it makes me sad. I try to make sure that I look back over the past days posts, so that any that may be approaching a day with no comment, get at least mine - but I seem to be the only person concerned about that anymore - and if I miss any (I apologize!), or don't get on the board, they may get missed completely

I understand that people are busy, but if you post here, I'm guessing you would like people to look and comment (or answer questions, if that is why you have posted), so I think everyone should keep in mind that it should be reciprocal.
I think there is more of a tendency to just click 'like' for photos they like, and not comment. That's fine in it's way, but doesn't bump the post to help keep it at the top, and personally I prefer people commenting, even just a one or two word comment, but maybe that's just me. If people comment I can show my appreciation that they have taken the time to look/comment by either liking their comment, or by making a return comment

I've not been active much for a while, but do try and comment on as much as I can when I am active. Hopefully that will increase in the future
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Old 12-29-2015, 11:53 AM
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I recently came across an orchid forum that can only be described as hateful. To be fair, they were only vile 1/4 of the time, attacking people and organizations (including OB and individual members), the rest of the time they talked orchids. The moderator sought out things to criticize by coming here or Facebook or OS sites.

I WILL not identify them. It was only by chance I stumbled upon them since they are a very small closed group (borderline exhibitiions of various 'isms).

Just want to say, OB is a veritable haven for every aspect of orchid enthusiasm.
Anon Y Mouse

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor

I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!

LoL Since when is science an opinion?
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Old 12-29-2015, 05:25 PM
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What Other Orchid Forums Are There and How Does OB Compare? Male

When I search on a plant to find out something about growing it, I see links to other boards along with this one. On Orchid Board there are usually multiple posts, from experienced growers all over the world, spread over many years, telling how they grow the plant. On the other boards there is usually a photo with a name and no text, then a bunch of replies from people who write something like, "Oooohhhh, how pretty!" and not much growing information. That's why I joined here.
May the bridges I've burned light my way.

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Old 01-24-2016, 10:01 AM
catherinecarney catherinecarney is offline
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What Other Orchid Forums Are There and How Does OB Compare? Female

Orchidboard is the only forum I'm on.... Lurked for a bit, liked the "feel" of the forum, and joined up. Yes, I looked at other forums, but they just didn't click for me....

I've found the membership here to be kind, patient, and welcoming, and I've appreciated the knowledge people have so freely shared in answer to my questions. Definitely plan to stay here for as long as the forum exists!

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Old 01-24-2016, 01:50 PM
No-Pro-mwa No-Pro-mwa is offline
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What Other Orchid Forums Are There and How Does OB Compare? Female

Oh, I missed this the first couple of times. This is the only one I belong to as well. Like others when I have been looking up a certain orchid I have ventured into other places but have never joined any others.

I do however have experience on some dog forums and holy moly, they can get nasty. I don't have a phone I can look things up on so it is me setting in front of my computer. This really limits my time so I do go a wall at times.

I think this is a very friendly forum and very helpful. I also try and reply if I see a post that no one else has replied to while it is most often just a bump. I don't feel secure enough in my growing to give very much advice, so I do tend to limit my posts to pats on the back I also tend not to go into areas where I don't have a like kind.

I also like to try and reply but there are some who only post pictures and hardly ever reply to others postings so in those cases I will sometimes only hit the like button. I still like to see there stuff I guess I figure if they never take the time I'll save mine as well. I hope that doesn't sound to nasty as I don't mean that way but there are times when I can't get through all the stuff I have missed and also for some reason this sight takes so long sometimes on my computer to come up I give up. Some things come right up and some just go round and round and so sometimes I give up on a thread.
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Old 01-22-2019, 08:44 AM
SouthPark SouthPark is offline
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Orchidboard really meets my expectations of an orchid forum. You can chat about what you want here about orchids, without threat of getting clobbered by over-sensitive filter scripts.

For example - with orchidtalk forum (not orchidboard), it is against the rules to mention names of forums such as 'orchidboard' and 'slippertalk'. Doing so can lead to issues like having penalty restrictions placed against your account - eg. downgrading of privileges, and also negative effects involving data communications between your web-browser or IP address and their forum server. In other words, they will impose some significant restrictions if a user unknowingly uses 'taboo' words in their filter list (eg. 'orchidboard', 'slippertalk', etc), and they seemingly will not help to reverse the situation even when they know themselves that the whole situation had clearly been unintentional.

New users generally don't expect such an odd rule to be imposed - ie. not being allowed to type orchid forum names in their posts..... and I mean merely names - not web-links.

I guess rules are rules, and it's their rule. I decided that I don't support that kind of rule, so orchidboard is the forum for me now. I feel that orchidboard is doing everything right and proper.

Two thumbs up from me (for orchidboard that is).

Last edited by SouthPark; 01-23-2019 at 04:53 AM..
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Old 01-22-2019, 08:10 PM
Lynn in Michigan Lynn in Michigan is offline
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What Other Orchid Forums Are There and How Does OB Compare?

I have been on this board for awhile. it is only 1 of a very few I am on. I don't post a lot, mostly because I am unsure of myself. this board has had it's ups and downs but it is the most informative and friendly place to be.
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Old 01-23-2019, 01:20 PM
BillieG BillieG is offline

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What Other Orchid Forums Are There and How Does OB Compare? Female

I'm not sure how long I've been lurking here, but I am guilty of asking questions with problems and not really participating much in conversations. I guess it's because when I first became interested in orchids and started finding forums, I came across several forums, and (I won't mention names) some of the most hateful people that would argue over anything, jump down others throats and treat newcomers like they were stupid idiots. I became afraid to chime in on anything.

Also, I seem to kill a fair share of orchids and do not feel as though I have much to offer. Certainly I can not give advice when I struggle with my own. However, I do like to look at photo's and probably should take the time to post on them.

Having said all that, I will tell you I've gotten to where I just check this board. I find the people here helpful without all the drama. Of course, there is drama everywhere, after all we are all human, but I've found less here. And the people here are so knowledgeable
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