Posting Pictures Off The Internet?
I have a couple of questions concerning picture posting. If you find a picture on the internet and you want to post it should you always supply the link of the page it was on? Or is it permissible to post just the picture but definitely mention that the picture is not yours and that you found it on Google for instance?
I understand that it’s completely wrong to post someone else’s photos and claim them for your own. I have seen were someone will innocently post a picture just for discussion reasons and be chewed out for it.
I had that experience once from another forum were I innocently posted a picture and I mentioned it in my post that I got the picture off the internet. I meant absolutely no harm. I felt rather humiliated. I apologized and said I would credit the author and I told him and the entire forum that it might take me awhile to find the original link as I did not save it. As I said it was just for discussion reasons. It turned out that I had got the picture off of wikipedia. He did calm down and said everything is ok. But I felt the damage was done and I never returned. Remember everything we type is read by all. The moderator I felt could have handled the situation better by just PMing me and giving me a reminder with out making a scene. Sorry didn’t mean to get off track.