"Bag babies", when, where, and what?
I stopped by my local Lowes yesterday & found that the first Better Gro "Bag Babies" of the year had just arrived. These were mostly Cattleya alliance hybrids, but they also had a species Dendrobium (D. spectabilis?) and Encyclia cordigera. I bought an Encyclia cordigera with the most recent pseudobulb that is a fat, shiny green and the size of a large lemon. Also picked up an Epilaeliocattleya Golden Sunburst that has two sheaths on it (I don't see any buds through those sheaths yet, but even if they don't bloom this time, I know the plant is at blooming size). What a deal for $15 each! I passed on the D. spectabilis, also on an Epilaeliocattleya Charlie Brown, though I thought about those a lot before deciding against.
So, I was wondering when everyone starts to see bag babies in your area (and where is that?) What kind of plants are you seeing offered? Any interesting species? Are they all Better Gro brand, or are you seeing other brands as well? What is the most unexpected plant (species or hybrid) that you have seen as a bag baby?