Here are a few pictures of our little collection of Orchids and other plants and … stuff, after having moved from our two bdrm apartment of nine years onto a house just a couple of months ago.
Although I am able to care for them and keep them alive and even get them to re-bloom every now and then, I still consider myself an absolute idiot when it comes to Orchids.
I have read all the (well, pretty much all, Ok may not all but still a gazillion) books and even worked in the field for a number of years as a sales rep for one grower before becoming disabled, and the wife still works for a large and reputable Orchid business, and I still couldn’t tell you the names of each plant, let alone “how to keep it alive” … I just do, and they don’t die, lol.
The Boss, (wife) tells me what to water and when, and it works out just hunky dory for the most part providing I don’t forget one here or there.
Now, my wife on the other hand can tell you pretty much everything you want/need to know about any given species including the common names and scientific names on the drop of a hat (I would sooo hurt myself if I had to think that fast, lol) ... but that’s one of the reasons I married her a long time ago, for her brains.
Anyhow, before I go and ramble on forever which I am apt to do at times … here are some of our “babies.”
Kitchen window:
Bedroom fishtank (cool growing stuff like Masdevalias and Pluros' and stuff.)
And here is one of them in full bloom (that's all it does, one gigantic flower, lol) I think it's called Plurothalis rinkkydinkus ... I'd have to ask the boss, she'll know for sure.
And in there is also a little Phal.
And this Masdevalia blooms and blooms, rests a few days and blooms some more, lol loves it in there.
Those are just some of what we have in the house, there are a few more here and there and I'll eventually get around to taking pictures of those too.
But for now ...