Worst customer service ever. (Why is finding a good shop so hard?)
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Old 04-28-2013, 07:18 PM
rosemadder rosemadder is offline
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Worst customer service ever. (Why is finding a good shop so hard?) Female
Default Worst customer service ever. (Why is finding a good shop so hard?)

I have been trekking all over San Francisco (by bus and on foot, mind you) trying to find orchids and other plants to put in my house and yard. It's not easy to find such things around here, as most places are pretty small or rather distant, 1hr+ by bus.

There's this place Plant Warehouse, very close to a few other shops I frequent, with some very promising yelp reviews. I leave home early to check a few places-- several of which don't pan out at all-- and go to see this one on my way to work. I am running out of time. I will not get a chance to eat lunch. My feet hurt badly and I have a 7-hour shift on them to look forward to.

The shop looks amazing when I get there. Tons of plants. I see a long shelf of orchids. It's like a jungle. Awesome.

But the plants are not labeled. The shelves are organized by price only. I get to the nearest shelf by the door and start looking. I come across a plant that looks like it might be one I've been hunting for. I pick it up and start looking for somebody I can ask for some identification help.

A dude carrying a broom, and some other guy, approach from the back, deep in a friendly conversational discussion.

"What other ones do you have?"

"Oh, you know, some rare Nepenthes-- not the kind you usually see, but some that cost like $300 or so. I have a such-and-such, and a this-and-that..."

I step forward and position myself nearby, at a polite I-have-a-question distance, plant in my hand, expression of curiosity on my face. I wait.

"Ah, that's pretty cool. Blah blah blah." Dude starts sweeping while they chat. Doesn't even look at me.

"Yeah, blah blah chat chat. I get them from all over, like blah blah."

"This one time, I blah blah blah..."


Okay, I've been waiting a while, and I only have maybe 10 minutes before I need to leave. Ordinarily I'd be fascinated to hear about the carnivorous plants and all, but I'd really like to see the rest of the store. I'm waiting for an opening, but it's very difficult to get a word in edgewise here, and it's obvious this guy doesn't feel like pausing to acknowledge me. So I speak up in a small break between their sentences.

"Hi, I just had a quick question-- what plant is this?"

He stops. Looks at me like I just farted loudly and it's making a terrible smell. "It's a (some name I don't remember)." Extreme condescension. Long, disdainful stare. "...Do you always do that?"

"Er-- what??"

"We're having a conversation. Don't you think it's rude to interrupt like that?"

Blink. Blink. Does not compute. ".....I'm... a customer... with a quick question...?"

"He's a customer too."

"Well, yes, but--" ...But they were clearly just having a chat, not actively discussing a potential transaction. The customer was describing his collection, not asking questions.

"He had questions too. Do you think it's okay to just interrupt while people are talking?" (he says, interrupting me while I'm talking)

Okay. Now I'm getting pissed. "...Isn't it rude to ignore a customer?"

He just talks over me, continuing his little lecture.

I am speechless with shock, disbelief, and rising indignant anger.

"What, do you not think that was rude?" He gives me a long, baleful, expectant stare as if I'm a turd on his carpet. As if he's wondering why I'm still here polluting his space. Isn't it about time I screw off? ...And then he pointedly turns away, and resumes speaking with the other guy as if nothing happened, giving me a very cold and contemptuous shoulder.

You know what, jerk? I work in customer service too. I have for 5+ years. I'm the assistant manager in a restaurant. If any member of my crew dared speak to a customer in this fashion, they would likely get themselves fired. I have NEVER spoken to anyone like that, unless they're a screaming psycho trying to steal the tip jar. And mind you-- I am NOT a fan of kissing butt. I do not expect anyone to fake a smile and put up with every bit of aggravation piled on them as if the customers are holy saints that can do no wrong and must be placated at all costs. That's unreasonable. If a customer is really being obnoxious or impatient, I'll politely say, "Excuse me, I'm in the middle of something. I'll be with you in a moment." There's no reason to get nasty or mean about it-- that's not just unprofessional, it's stupid. If somebody is being a jerk, why stoop to their level? Really. Why?? Where does this guy get off behaving like this? Is it really worth losing money?? Would he PAY money just to treat people this way, is it that gratifying?

I stand there for a few more seconds trying to process wtf just happened. I look at the shelves, all these lovely plants, the distant parts of the shop I'll never get to explore... Is this asshole really driving me out of a shop I was so excited to see, after I've put in so much effort for weeks hunting all over the city for good plants, after so much time spent getting here despite my aching feet and my hunger from going without lunch? My stomach twists in a knot of disappointment, hurt, and fury. I can't bear to spend one more second in this horrible place!

I leave.

I'm walking to the corner, drafting my yelp review of this incident, and the carnivorous plant guy appears beside me. "That really was pretty rude."

"What?" I look up and blink at him, amazed that he's followed me out of the store to tell me this. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to interrupt."

"No, I mean him. He didn't need to talk to you like that. It was really unnecessary."

"Oh! Thanks! Sorry about all that in there..."

"Don't worry about it, have a good one."

Bit late for that, but, "You too!"

Sigh. So, that's one more potential shop to cross off the list. The search continues.

Last edited by rosemadder; 04-28-2013 at 08:43 PM..
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Old 04-28-2013, 07:24 PM
cbuchman cbuchman is offline
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What a story. Call the management of the company and send them a copy of this posting.
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Old 04-28-2013, 07:25 PM
rosemadder rosemadder is offline
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I have a very nasty suspicion that the guy I encountered probably IS the management.
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Old 04-28-2013, 07:26 PM
cbuchman cbuchman is offline
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Originally Posted by rosemadder View Post
I have a very nasty suspicion that the guy I encountered probably IS the management.
There is always someone higher up the food chain, even if it is corporate management. Don't give up!
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Old 04-28-2013, 07:52 PM
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Have you tried the farmer's market? Mine has an orchid seller.

I think most of us in the Bay Area buy at shows or online for named plants. I've sometimes seen pretty-darned-sure-its-a-species NoIDs at grocery stores (Raley's/Nob Hill/Bel Air) and Trader Joes. Those involved in orchid societies probably do a lot of trading.

The Flower Mart used to have some variety a few years ago. I don't know about now, tho.

Sorry you had such a bad experience. Must say, you have more patience than I do.
Anon Y Mouse

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor

I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!

LoL Since when is science an opinion?
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Old 04-28-2013, 10:03 PM
jeremyinsf jeremyinsf is offline
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I have lived in SF for 16 years, here is my experience:

Plant Warehouse is a nice place for plants. They have some good orchids once in a while, and I've purchased a couple. But they are not an orchid store/nursery/dealer. And they get busy, and they have some riff-raff come through sometimes. So your story doesn't surprise me. If you see something you like and just want to buy it, it's a decent place to see stuff. But I don't go there often as I find there are so many other choices.

Trader Joe's - Don't we all have stories from there? Some really nice orchids at really really low prices. But you have to get there early in the morning. And you don't go there to get a labeled orchid. There are several TJ's just in SF.

SF Flower Mart - Several orchid places in here, and some nice people. I have purchased a lot of orchids here. From probably five or six different stores in the Mart. Sometimes they are labeled and I get a lot of info. Sometimes I get an amazing surprise, but alas, no label. None of these places are an actual nursery... they are the retail end of one, if that. Once place in here knows me perhaps too well... because I'm in there all the time. It's close for me and I like what I get there.

Lots of farmer's markets etc: Perhaps you know how that goes too.

If you want labels, very specific orchids, and have the money for it, you can make an appointment to go to Golden Gate Orchids down by the Cow Palace. It's massive. There is a bit of everything. Well, a lot, of everything. Tom is a very knowledgeable guy, doing Orchids his whole life ("it's the only thing I've ever done") but is also very busy. Every plant is labeled. Know of something EXACT that you want? He might have 50 of them.

There are several other places as well, not to mention the local shows or places that are just outside of SF or in the greater Bay Area. I feel very lucky all the time to live here in such a wonderful place, and perhaps extra so when I consider all the choices I have to get orchids.

Hope this helps a bit.
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Old 04-28-2013, 11:02 PM
MandaneWiser MandaneWiser is offline

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Unbelievable! Really? I work in customer service too and have zero tolerance for bad customer service...he must have had giant huevos to even say that to you..I would have probably shown my rear end...wouldn't be able to help myself...yeah..then ruin my chances of exploration of cool plants because I'd never darken the door again...heavy sigh...I'm sorry..better luck lies ahead...everything happens for a reason....
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Old 04-29-2013, 01:04 AM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Well, there are always jerks. epecially when business is doing well, they could care less.

Lots of flower stores in Manhattan is like that. Sometime I want to just slap their face with a giant spatula! lol

You ask questions and they show how irratated they are. Well, of course, if you drop a few hundred or thousand dollars, then it's a different story.
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Old 04-30-2013, 03:35 PM
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Speaking of shows in SF...

The Pacific Orchid Show is one of the largest in the west coast and is organized once a year. Many international sellers sell some really rare orchids there. Just sayin'.
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Old 04-30-2013, 03:41 PM
jeremyinsf jeremyinsf is offline
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Yes, but not until next February - and who wants to wait that long to get a new orchid!? :-)
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