There I was minding my own business when a Picasso fish had the nerve to swim right past me without a by-your-leave. The giant mantas were even worse! At least the spotted rays had the decency to stay out of my way to allow me to enjoy my dip. All in all it's just dreadful; sun, warm inviting sea and blue skies. Can you begin to imagine the purgatory I have to endure? I will try to be brave about it and if one more person dares to say "Ia ora na!" - a particularly horrid "hello, how are you" - the nerve! I was even invited to eat with them!!!! More than once! The cheek! Here's the proof just to emphasise the point. Beware, the evidence is stark, sorry.
Just look at this water! Would YOU swim in that, well, would you???
and just look at this lecherous, sleazy skank....and I have to tell people he's my friend, too...
It's just not right.