I have a dilemma. I finally found a source for all the Phal. sp. I want (well, the important ones anyway), and I find I can't afford to get them all.
What should I do? Which ones should I get?
P. gibbosa
P. javanica
P. deliciosa
P. celebensis
P. chibae
They are all in the 28-32 dollar range, and I don't want to loose $100 on this.

I rather not spend $80 either. Yikes even $50 hurts. Why! Why must I be an orchidaholic!!!

gibbosa and chibae would complete my lobbii, parishii, gibbosa, chibae group. celebensis is soooo darn perty! And similar to the above mentioned. As well as deliciosa.

I wonder why its called deliciosa.
And javanica is on the list to fill that empty whole left in my tank after I accidentaly violently murdered my last
P. javanica so I can't say no to that one. Ahhhhhh!!!!!
So chibae and gibbosa are a must!!! The decision is, between celebensis, javanica, and deliciosa